Thread: Honeydukes
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Old 03-20-2016, 10:05 PM   #67 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by emjay View Post
It took Henry a great deal of concentration to understand the girl's words with her accent quite a bit stronger than his own. But he got the gist of it and he nodded enthusiastically when she asked about the cards. "I have loads of them, almost a complete set." He had so many doubles on account of how many chocolate frogs he had eaten in his lifetime, but through trading he was able to acquire some of his missing ones too. "Do you collect them too?" Maybe he could have another trading buddy.

Henry could totally understand the look the girl made at his description of the candy. It was something of an unnerving idea... but somewhat intriguing all the same. "Yeah, I'm not sure either. I wouldn't mind seeing it, but I don't think I'd want to test it out without knowing." He glanced down at the wrapper to see if it gave him any clues. "Maybe someone around has tried it... or the shopkeeper might know.."
An almost complete set? Sam couldn't help but gasp. She didn't know how many cards that must be, but it was a lot - well into the hundreds. Occasionally she got a discarded card or escapee frog, but she'd never seen that many, not alone collected them. "I got a few yeah," she replied quietly. "Nuffing all that special though."

She turned her attention back to the acid pop. "I've nevver seen anyone wiff an 'ole in their tongue, teh be fair. But I fink I'd ravver try sumfink else first..." He could go find the shopkeeper if he wanted to check though.
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