A Poop * k8 *
Pfft. Paul shook his head. "No pranks from me, m'boy...though, I do owe a prank to little Suri Rider." Since she had tried to PELL A SNOWBALL AT HIS HEAD.
"Still trying to think of a way to prank her, so, if you have ANY ideas, please let me know." He smirked to himself and rubbed the back of his neck under his hat. "Are you that big a target? That seems foolish to me! You're head boy! Pranking you is like...a one way ticket to detention, you'd think!" Paul had never given a detention yet, either. He was glad. It would make him feel...like such a bad guy.
So Yoongi was getting a head start on exams? That was good, very good! He smiled at his student. "That's good for you, Yoongi! You'll be so well prepare when they came around! NEWTs...ah. Stressful time. I hope to see you continue to handle yourself well in lieu of your exams, though!" He hated to see them all stressed out over...exams. Silly silly exams.
Oh no ;__;
The boy's notes.
Paul's heart sank...and he felt just...awful. AWFUL. "I'm..so sorry Yoongi...I can..try to restore your notes, though?" There had to be a way to fix them!
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |