♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# As Esme took notes she listened as Professor Draper began talking again.
Goodness. There was a lot of information coming their way and it was a struggle to keep up with everything. Her hand was starting to cramp up, so she shook it a few times to ease the feeling a little. At least the subject matter was interesting - which wasn't always the case. Subjects like Astronomy came to mind. No offence, Professor Flamsteed but some aspects of space were rather dull.
As the picture made her way around to her, Esme's eyes widened. How scary looking. No wonder they hadn't been allowed to bring them to Hogwarts. They shouldn't be allowed anywhere near people. Shuddering, she contemplated the next question before raising her hand. "Can other parts of them be used in potions? I mean beyond the quills... Creatures have various parts that can be used in potions, for example Unicorns."
So long as they were dead when the parts were taken and no one with any sense would try to take them when the Echinokarps were alive. |