Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
As soon as Professor Draper started the class, Jace discreetly took a seat nearest him, and just…listened to whatever he was saying. Myths were really interesting, and it was amusing to the boy how muggles interpret things that can’t be explained the bizarreness of events and such. The Ravenclaw just sat in his seat, hands neatly placed on his lap, his short legs dangling from the bench. He made a mental note to read more myth stories during his summer break.
Once the first question was asked, Jace knew that the phenomenon was a work of magic. Transfiguration, to be exact. The answer was already given…even repeated many times by his classmates; therefore, he opted to stay quiet and passed the first question. That was easy enough to be answered anyway.
Brown eyes shifted from the muscly adult person, to the only female professor up front. Jace suppressed a grin, and berated himself mentally for being distracted by her beauty. Her eyes were captivating!
The Ravenclaw cleared his thoughts, and received the information being fed to them by trying to understand and memorize things in one go.
When the second question was asked, Jace had to look around first…and listened to his classmates’ answers. He nodded once, as soon as the Chameleon Ghoul was mentioned. He would’ve said the same thing, but since Draper was around, he did not dare repeat the same answer.
The Ravenclaw slowly raised his hand, and answered when it was his turn. “Demiguise, professor.” He said, lowering his hand as he continued to speak, “They go invisible when threatened.” Now that…was some cool stuff. He’d love to have that ability.
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |