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Old 12-19-2012, 01:43 AM   #11 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Ancient Runes & Divination
Runes do not predict the future in the “fortune telling” sense, but it is an Oracle which gives counsel to the reader, offering an analysis to the problem, as well as possible outcomes and solutions on one’s spiritual path. As each Rune can have several meanings, which can easily appear cryptic and too broad, it is best to be specific in asking questions, using your intuition to let the Runes speak to you.
The Yes / No Cast
Used For: Questions that require a simple Yes or No answer.
Method: Take a moment to concentrate and ask your question as your left hand mixes the Runes inside (if you are left-handed, use your right). Pick a Rune out of the bag, turn it over immediately (so that it does not read inverted). If it is upright, the answer is a “Yes”, and reversed, means “No”.
Note: There are 8 Runes that read the same, whichever way they are turned. In this case, you may repeat the process up to three times to draw another rune which may be reversed. If you still keep on drawing one of these 8, it is simply not the time to receive the answer you seek. Let it be, and ask the question again at a different time.
Odin’s Rune or the One Rune Cast
Used for: This is a quick and easy way to get an answer to a specific question or a general picture of the situation. Some Rune casters also use this is as a daily meditation and inspiration, before beginning their day or at bedtime.
Method: Concentrate for a minute and ask the question. Then take a Rune out of the bag and place it on your cloth, any surface or in your hand.
The Roman Method Cast
Use: This is the earliest known method of Rune casting as described by the Roman Tacitus in “Germania”, A.D. 98. It is similar to the “Norns” casting, except for a few ritualistic details, which you can use for true authenticity. These are a white cloth on which to cast the Runes, and the use of runes from a fruit- bearing tree, carved fresh for the particular reading.
Method: Lay out the white cloth. Take the runes into your hands, and scatter them unto the cloth. Pick three randomly without looking at the runes, setting these aside. You may now interpret these as a group or in the same way as the Three Rune Method illustrated above.
The Nine Rune Cast
Use: Nine is a magical number in Norse Mythology, and this method gives more of a detailed analysis of the situation or problems facing the reader, and clarity in understanding the options open to them, as well as possible outcomes. However, this technique is better suited to those who have a sizable understanding of the Runes as this method is highly flexible in nature, meaning the way you read the positions is entirely up to you in terms of relevance. It would help to create some of your own rules for this type of reading (nothing too rigid though, as Rune readings are innately variable), which you can stick to every time you use this casting technique, for simplicity’s sake. Consistency is paramount.
Method: Concentrate on the situation or question you face, and feel the runes in the bag, choosing the nine Runes that feel right to you. Now, scatter the nine runes on a cloth, table, or whatever casting ground you are using. The Runes that appear “face up” are to be read first, as these signify the present circumstances and the dynamics that lead up to it. Generally, the runes that are in the center are of primary importance, while the ones in the edges could be influencing factors. But like we said, this is a personal technique, and rune casters have their own varying interpretations of this, which can change with every reading. This is a good time to get your journal out and note the first runes that came up, to avoid confusion. Next, start turning the rest of the Runes around, also taking note of each as they are read. These could signify the outside influences, the choices one has and the possible outcomes. Again, the pattern and order in which to interpret these Runes is up to you, but keep in mind that runes that are close together are usually associated with each other or connected in meaning.
Runes Spreads
1. Single Rune (beginner) 1 rune
Draw a single rune for insight into simple questions, issues or decisions facing the querent.
Results from single rune readings tend to be very broad overviews. Even for experts however, the single rune reading is often a good place to start before moving on to more complex rune spreads.
Single Rune
This rune gives a broad overview to the question or issue at hand. It may indicate an underlying theme, an area which deserves greater attention, or a future turn of events.
2. The Three Norns (intermediate) 3 runes
This easy to remember spread, consists of 3 rune stones.
In Norse mythology, the three Norns were the sisters who decided the fate of all mankind.
Past - "Uror" (left)
The rune in this first position gives insight into underlying forces in the past which may have a bearing on the current situation.

Present - "Veroandi" (middle)
The rune in the second position gives insight into events that are currently unfolding now. This may be a major indicator, or a minor indicator that deserves more attention.

Future - "Skuld" (right)
The word "Skuld" literally means "necessity", and this position indicates an outcome that must necessarily occur based upon the current situation. Changes in this situation may alter the prediction of this rune.
3. The Diamond (intermediate) 4 runes
This popular rune spread arranges four rune stones in a classic diamond arrangement.
This spread is very useful for gaining insight into the properties of the present moment, and predicting their immediate outcome.
The Facet of the Past (left)
The rune in this position represents past events or situations that may have bearing on the current situation.

The Facet of Tomorrow (right)
The rune in this position represents the near future, and may give insight into forces affecting your next steps.

The Facet of Distraction (down)
The rune in this position represents forces which may block your path, or prevent you from achieving your goals.

The Facet of the Future (up)
The rune in this last position represents forces or energies that give insight into the final outcome of the situation.
4. The Cross (advanced) 5 runes
One of the most classic and powerful rune spreads, the cross uses 5 rune stones arranged in a 'cross' pattern.
The cross spread is used to gain insight into the greater forces at work in one's life. It is an extremely broad reading into character, and the arc of one's existence.
The Past (left)
The rune in this first position represents those forces or energies from the past which are affecting the current situation.

The Present (right)
The rune in this position gives insight into events that are taking place now. What energies are at work? What areas require insight and meditation?

The Future (below)
The rune in this position gives insight into what forces will effect future events and relationships.

The Challenge (up)
The rune in this top position represents that which stands in your path. The meaning of this rune can be an obstacle, or an indication of what to expect on the road ahead.

Inner Powers (middle)
The rune in this center position represents your source of personal power in this situation. What forces at your core will help you to achieve success in the current situation?
5. The Well of Wyrd (advanced) 6 runes
This rune spread yields very complex insights into a wide variety of questions about fate and the forces which affect it.
According to Norse mythology, the Well of Wyrd is where the great Tree of Life gets its water. The well is "filled" with the deeds of man. Legends say Odin discovered the runes at the roots of the tree itself.
The Quester (top left)
This position represents the person at the heart of the question. The position gives insight into current circumstances, situations and areas of concern. The quester's immediate surroundings.

The Difficult Path
"The Difficult Path" position gives insights into those forces that oppose the "Quester" (position 1). What forces or individuals stand in the way? Or, what qualities are currently lacking?

The Road Behind
This position stretches behind the "Quester". It is the background or past mental state that is crucial to the current position. What has gone before? Where has the Quester been? Who or what has had influence?

The Way to the Root (below left)
This position indicates "Near Futures" and gives insight into immediate next steps. How does the present situation affect tomorrow?

A Calculated Step
This position depicts mindsets and courses of action that will assist the Quester moving forward. Something must be cautiously remembered. Moving forward, what should the Quester be mindful of?

At the Great Well
The final position gives insight into an overall energy which defines the Quester and his or her fate. What is the outcome of this situation? What will ultimately be its defining issue?
6. The circle
The Issue
This position gives insights into what is missing romantically, or what has been missing in the past. What is the source of problems? What has the issue been?

The Power to Overcome
This position gives insight into how the issues (position 1) can be overcome. What forces bring a couple into physical and emotional contact?

The Next Step
This position indicates a next step on the path towards emotional and romantic fulfillment. What lies ahead in the immediate future? What must you be mindful of?

The Soulmate
This position gives insight into your search for the perfect soulmate. What are the qualities you seek? (or have unfortunately found?)

This important position gives insight into timing. What will the future hold? What events must happen first, before you can become truly romantically fulfilled?

The final position gives insight into an overall energy which defines a union. The runes may offer words of caution here -- things to be avoided. Or words of prophecy -- things which will come of your union.
7. The Great Tree
Branch of the Heart
This position gives insights into the emotional character of the individual. What forces define his or her emotional state? What are his or her emotional ideals?

Branch of the Mind
Emotion and Logic exist within all people. What defines the logical character of this person? What underpins their logical or critical thought?

Supporting Branches
This position indicates that which lies beneath a persons outer shell. What forces operate in their subconscious? What forces do they keep hidden from general view?

Future Growth
These young branches will be the great branches of tomorrow. What forces beginning now, will take on major defining roles in the future? What issues are on the rise?

The Trunk
This central position indicates the core of one's nature. What is defining at this time? What concept is central? What drives this person on (or holds them back from achieving great heights?)
8. The Fork (intermediate) 3 runes
The Decision
Position 1 represents the decision at hand. What forces have influence? Was anything overlooked? (NOTE: Before continuing, you must decide which of the next positions represent your 2 choices)

Left Fork: Choice #1
This position gives insight into the first option. What forces will affect its outcome? What lies ahead should you consider this path? What energies have influence?

Right Fork: Choice #2
This position gives insight into the second option. What forces will affect its outcome? What lies ahead should you consider this path? What energies have influence?
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