Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jasper Hart First Year
x10 x10
| ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf SPOILER!!: Prof Draper Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack SPOILER!!: Individual Greetings!
James liked playing the guessing game of 'which student would arrive first'. It was an incredibly amusing way to pass the time by and he was 7 out of 10 times correct. Call it a man's intuition. The first arrival was by no means a surprise. Ravenclaw, young, and eager. He saw this one coming from a mile away. Giving one last look over to his fellow Professors, James straightened his back even more if that was even possible. He nodded at the young girl, "Congratulations for being the first to arrive," nothing worth congratulations, actually. But eh. Maybe this would ensure she'd stay on track for the whole lesson. And hopefully keep her unruly friends in line too. Merlin, the next one wasn't a surprise either. Honestly, these do-good-er types were so predictable. "Miss Guidry," he nodded as the girl went to sit down. What was she looking at? Her parents ought to teahc her not to stare. Another blue, not surprising. When were the other houses going to arrive? A lesson with only these bunch would be the most boring thing to ever happen at this school. And that's including attending Poncho Paul's lessons. He nodded at the younger girl, noting bitterly that she chose to give a nice, proper, warm welcome to Professor Hirsch. Noted. Professors could have favorites too, did she know? .... Well wasn't this one a ball of energy today?
And not blue. Good. James was starting to worry that they'd only have a class of know-it-alls today. They needed some other colors to make for a healthy classroom. And less headaches. "Hello Miss Greingoth," she was tiny, was she aware?
For the record, James hadn't run out of ideas to teach because if he had, then they'd all be scooping up Hippogriff dung for today's lesson. So fortunately for the Head Child, the joint lesson today meant that there were PLENTY of ideas.
James waited with an amused sort of grin on his face. Just waiting for the boy to turn to greet him. It was taking him long enough. And...... Finally. "Good day to you as well, Mr. Head Boy." Oh this kid was full of dramatic fun.
Another quiet soul, James recognized this one. Sort of. Eh. Not really, honestly. All these kids started to look the same after a while. All good looking, all tiny, all eeeeh. Her nod was returned with one of his own, as he watched her find a seat and look at the box. Curiosity killed the kneazle, just saying. Birthday boy was back at it again, was he now? Kid better thank Merlin that he came alone this time and not with a rogue Poncho Paul attached to his arm. James simply nodded in response to the boy's enthusiasm. The staring could quit though. James wasn't enjoying that. A yellow. James hadn't made up his mind about those. "Good afternoon, Miss Darcy," of course his greeting was lumped in with Nana's. And again Roderick got his own. Not bitter or anything. Not at all. ..... Professors weren't meant to have favorites, but they did. So you could probably bet that most had their least favorites as well. And James certainly did. He had about twenty of them. But this one had made herself a home at the top of the list. She was one of the few that got the single digit ranking.
He gave her a stern look at her choice of nickname, "Professor Draper," he corrected her. "Otherwise there will be point deduction." She still remembered how he wouldn't hesitate to keep his word, yes? He would've thought she had learned her lesson from the last time. James hadn't decided what he thought about this one yet. She was also one of the more reserved, yet she hung out with the likes of Miss Denaker. Therefore, opinion pending. "Hello," he nodded as she went to find a place to sit. Maybe his lack of a judgment was a good thing for now. James liked this one. He was respectable. For the most part. Again, Hirsch was given a bit mooore than just a greeting. And James still wasn't bitter. N O P E. He didn't care at all. "Same to you, young man," he nodded, letting the kid run back to find a... That wasn't a seat. Was he going to sit and watch Roderick all day? Because they had a lesson to teach here. Not. Bitter.
Ah. He liked this one. She was quiet, didn't cause a scene, much more mature than the lot of them, and... Well that's it, but that meant she was monumentally better than some of those others. Especially those that felt the need to give him sass. He much preferred the type that would give other students sass. And that is why Brooklyn was a good one. "Miss Andrews," he nodded, watching as she went to take a seat.
... This one had WAY too much energy. James wanted to request that she took it down a notch. Or ten. Maybe twenty even, was that too much to ask for? He glanced over at Nana, before turning just as the girl made her way over. She got a nod.
James glanced down at his watch, how much longer would they have to wait? Not that he was growing impatient or anything... Ahem.. Another prefect was always welcome to his lessons, especially one that did her job properly unlike some of the others he could point fingers at. He gave her a firm nod in greeting. James was wondering when he'd see the next arrival. Upon her arrival she recieved a nod in greeting, before the Professor looked down at his watch. It was nearly time. James was about ready to get things started, but he waited a few more moments for the last of the students to arrive, as he knew they were still waiting on some more. "Mr. Browne," James greeted the older kid as he made his way over.
So they should start about now, yeah?
Alright, it was exactly time and James Draper waited for no one. With one final glance at his watch, he uncrossed his arms and took a few steps forward to center himself in front of the students. ”Hello and welcome to another lesson,” he nodded. ”If you haven’t been paying attention,” there were always a few oblivious ones, ”For today's lesson you'll be working with Professor Hirsch and Professor Ichihara, along with myself.” They knew who was who by now, yes? Because James couldn’t bother to clarify for those who were too daft to figure it out by now.
Moving on, ”Today’s lesson will include quite a bit of theory to start us off, so I suggest everyone take out something to record notes on,” this statement was then followed by a short pause to allow everyone time to take out some parchment if they hadn’t already. It was important.
Everyone had their notes out, yes? Great. Because James was about to start and he’d wait for no one. Eh, maybe he’d wait if it was entirely necessary, but they were on a tight schedule here. ”To start us off, I want to talk a little bit about a muggle myth.” But this isn’t muggle studies, he was sure they’d say. But before anyone had time to chirp in with their smart mouths, James continued because yes this was all relevant if they gave him the time to explain. ”Muggles have had a record of creating myths about creatures we know to exist. Take unicorns, for example.” The muggle kind were similar to the actual creatures, but there were differences, yes? ”The myth we’ll be discussing right now originates in parts of Asia, more specifically in China.” James would know, he spent a lot of time there. ”Where the muggles believe to be a legendary mountain with a cascading waterfall, called Dragon’s Gate, that can be reached via a river. The muggle myth says that Carps swim upstream against the river’s current and those fish that can make the jump over the waterfall at the end of the river will transform into a powerful dragon.” He waited for the notetakers to jot things down, in case. ”My question for you all is, do you think a transformation of this caliber is possible through magic?” he looked around. ”And If so, by what branch of magic?” Welcome to class, everyone. OOC: Hello everyone and welcome! This post marks the OFFICIAL START of the lesson. Any arrivals posted from this point forward will face IC consequences, so just pretend you've been here all along! He was fine with the lesson starting, he was, but he wasn't yet sold on the whole magical myth thing yet. AND... they apparently had to take notes. lots of theory? Boooooooo. And to think he liked DADA and CoMC for their hands-on-ness. Not today it seemed.
To top that, the first question was a Transfiguration one, and so naturally he opted NOT to answer. No, he'd just listen to the others and their ideas first, not writing anything down until they were given nods and approval and YES's.
Kind of sounded like a forcefield thing though... like an age line, only for transfiguration obviously. Or not. What did he know anyway?
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