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The thing about these little away missions of one Airey Flamsteed was that he transported himself into the far reaches of his imagination. It was a rare sight, except to those closest to him, to see the astronomer in his unnaturally natural habitat of his mind. It projected itself so vividly onto the reality before him that any addition would seamlessly blend into his vision.
Sort of like that jolt of light that came shooting out of no where at him.
Figuring that it was just that, his subconscious making the story play out more vividly, he made no real effort to avoid it. After all, what harm could...
...that was not....
And then suddenly he was...shrinking? What? Eyes widening, he somehow lost his grip on both Pebbles and Spock - both toppling to the ground with dull thuds against the damp stone floor - and the next thing the man knew was that he was on all fours and he could smell EVERYTHING.
He had heard the voice - and it had been vaguely familiar - but it has merely been but a whisper on the winds of pretend. But now he could HEAR things...hear AND smell things...
Sniffing the air, the astronomer turned towards the source of the sweet smelling aroma. Nana? Had been what he had WANTED to say...but instead it came out entirely in ferret talk.
This was just NOT his term.
Oh dear. Oh. Oh. Oh dear. Oh Amaterasu, this was absolutely not a good thing. The spell had hit with an unwelcome accuracy and Nana could only watch in mortification and surprise as the Astronomer begin to shrink, and shrink, and shrink until he was no longer than a men's tube sock. "Flamsteed!" She cried out in concern. there had been a loud
thud and Nana was suddenly sure it was her colleague-ferret falling to the stone ground.... Ether that or he had had something very heavy in his pockets...
"Lumps." Raising her wand up high, Nana searched for the Professor... The soft blue light from her wand was suddenly reflected back from a blonde pelt. That had to be him. Water sloshed about her ankles as she rushed toward the scampering little creature, but she didn't care, her mortification, concern and fear were more important than her skirt.
Having reached him, Nana knelled awkwardly before him. What did one say when one had turned another into a ferret accidentally? It was not exactly something you learned in ettiequte school. "I am so very sorry, I am. I mistook you-" She quickly said, shaking her head quickly, but mournfully as she spoke. "Are you alright? Are you injured?"
She had yet to have turned him back.