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Old 03-15-2016, 04:17 AM   #100 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: Haddie
Originally Posted by Callie View Post
When she was back at her workstation, her fragile confidence shattered; overwhelmed by loose ingredients and her strong desire to get this one right. Three reassuring breaths and a full minute later, and Haddie had built herself up enough again to reach out and grab the cup with a nervous, slightly shaky hand. She aimed her wand at the cup's basin.

"Aguamenti!" A strong blast of water erupted from her wand, knocking the cup out of her hand and spraying back into her face. Just like it did during the fishing CoMC lesson... "Finite!" The water stopped, but Haddie was already drenched. "Great." Her tone dripped with frustration. This was a superb start... but it was more than that. Her magic was wonky and chaotic lately and she couldn't figure out why. Haddie rung out the sleeves of her robes and picked the full cup back up and poured the water into the cauldron. Only five more to go. Great.

Art glanced up at the moment that Miss. Denaker’s stream of water ricocheted from the measuring cup, leaving her quite water logged. “H-here,” he said to the young lady, handing her a dry hand towel. He always kept some clean hand towels spare.

SPOILER!!: Kitty
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
Kitty approached the counter to gather the ingredients. While she was doing this she turned to Professor Art and said, "I think this is a really interesting potion, professor. I always wondered what my worms think and I guess I'll be able to find out now. Oh, and I'm going to name the frog Olaf, if that's okay."

Then she returned to her spot and pointed her wand at the cup."Aguamenti!" A small stream of water flowed out of her wand and into the cup. She filled and emptied the cup six times into the cauldron, before turning her wand towards the cauldron and muttering "Incendio." A small flame spurted out of her wand and went to the bottom of the cauldron. That went well. Gone were the days where Kitty had stumbled over performing simply spells, now this type of work came easy to her.

Now all she had to do was wait for five minutes. Nearby she noticed Haddie having some trouble with filling the water and wondered what the problem was.

Art glanced up at Miss. Valentine as she came to collect her ingredients. Ahh, he smiled at the young lady. “I’m glad to hear,” he said. “I always find it much easier to keep Madame Curie happy, full, warm and clean with this potion. I hope your err… your worms can… can uhh… l-let you know what it is that they need.” But he failed to see what could be gained from being able to connect to a worm. Although he wasn’t about to say this to the young lady. Who was he to know what sort of connection pet and keeper had? He added a nod to her as she declared the toad would be named Olaf. “Olaf the toad. That suits him, I think.”

SPOILER!!: Esme and Rachel
Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Were they in the home stretch yet?

Esme looked at the ingredients list and felt the urge to cry. There were so many things that hadn't been added to the potions yet and that meant that there was still quite a way for them to go. Coming here had been a mistake and she really didn't know how much more of this she could handle - certainly not enough to finish the potion. She was no Gryffindor, just a weak little girl.

Sniffling, she picked up her wooden stirrer and stirred the potion 1... 2... 3... times in what she thought was a clockwise direction; at this point it was hard for her to tell what way was up and what way was down let alone which way a clock worked. With the stirrer still in hand, she let her head fall back down to her desk and began to cry softly while trying to make sure that no one noticed it.

Even at times like this she wanted to appear strong.

SPOILER!!: Esme's Notes

6 cups water
15 fresh Belladonna leaves
3 dried Fluxweed sprigs, roughly crushed in mortar and pestle (picked during a full moon, and dried over one week)

0.5mL Wormwood essence
2Tbsp Lacewing flies
1tsp honey
1tsp water
0.1mL Boomslang venom
1 crushed Unicorn Horn
1 cup of Armadillo Bile
15g Ginger, crushed
1 Shrivelfig, scooped out seeds
1 measure of your animal

1. Add 6 cups of water to you cauldron, and light a small flame. Simmer the water for 5 minutes to slowly heat to an appropriate temperature
2. Pluck the 15 leaves of Belladonna from the sprigs, will need approximately 2 sprigs, and add them to the cauldron once five minutes is up
3. Gather the 3 sprigs of dried Fluxweed, and roughly crush in mortar and pestle. Only enough to increase the surface area, then add to the cauldron
4. Simmer for a further 3 minutes
5. Stir with a wooden stirrer, three times, clockwise
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

It was certainly a good thing that Rachel decided to keep an eye on Esme. Her friend had fared properly thus far threw the steps given but when Rachel set down her wooden stirrer, she looked over to see Esme's head on the desk.

Concerned, the Eagle hurried over to the Badger and took the stirrer from her while putting an arm around her shoulders. "Esme? What's wrong? Is it the owls?'' Now that she was close enough, she could hear the muffled sounds of crying.

Why was one of the persons she admired crying? Rachel did not like this one bit.

It was almost as if he could sense the angsty feelings. He glanced right up at Miss. Darcy. She was crying. He gulped, and saw that Miss. Watson was speaking to her. He would have been happy to leave the two friends alone, but… it was his classroom. He had best see what it was. He put down what he was working on, and placed Madame Curie on the work bench to keep an eye over the class, whilst he walked over to the young ladies. “Is… is uhh… e-everything alright?” he asked with a scratch to his head. He heard Miss. Watson mention owls. “Are… are you worried the owls will be hurt?” he asked.

SPOILER!!: Jaemin
Originally Posted by Ameh View Post
Once the cauldron was full of water, Jaemin stopped the water spell and set his wand aside. Water he was good with, but... he wouldn't be lighting the burner with magic. Not today. He was not yet secure enough in his own magic to be casting fire for such a precise thing, and it was better to light it the way he knew how rather than burning down the lab accidentally. So he lit it the old fashioned way, and watched as the flame licked against the cauldron. It was interesting to watch, but... he had other stuff to do!

While that was working on its five minutes of simmering, the small Slytherin moved on to the next step. Plucking leaves didn't seem like any type of hard work at all, but he did know what this plant was, which... made him a bit wary.

"Professor... belladonna is poisonous, right?" His dad had made sure Jaemin was aware of that, because the berries on it looked so yummy. He had always felt the urge to try them, sure that his little boy invincibility would protect him, but he knew better, and also knew that his dad would ban him from the gardens if he ended up nearly dying from belladonna poisoning. He pressed his fingertips down on the base of each leaf and broke it off as gently as possible, tilting his head to look at the growing pile. "How come it becomes not poisonous in potions?"

He'd never thought to ask this before, but after the class with the 'vague poisoning' elixir... it seemed pertinent to ask.

Art had thought he had sensed Mr. Song almost wanting to say something earlier, but he hadn’t. So it came to no surprise when he asked a question. “Yes, one of the most toxic plants,” he said with a little smile. “B-but don’t worry, the amount we are using today is not of harm, and it works with the other ingredients in the potion to… to err… well, to balance out the therapeutic effects of it, rather than a toxic overdose.” He hoped that had reassured the young man.


“Okay, now that we have added the belladonna and fluxweed to the water, we need to continue.”

Originally Posted by Blackboard
1. Add 6 cups of water to you cauldron, and light a small flame. Simmer the water for 5 minutes to slowly heat to an appropriate temperature
2. Pluck the 15 leaves of Belladonna from the sprigs, will need approximately 2 sprigs, and add them to the cauldron once five minutes is up
3. Gather the 3 sprigs of dried Fluxweed, and roughly crush in mortar and pestle. Only enough to increase the surface area, then add to the cauldron
4. Simmer for a further 3 minutes
5. Stir with a wooden stirrer, three times, clockwise

6. Measure, with a 1ml syringe, your Wormwood essence, and add to the cauldron.
7. Measure 0.1mL Boomslang venom in a different syringe and place to the side for a moment
8. Clean the mortar and pestle, add one unicorn horn, and crush it to a fine powder, then add the Boomslang venom. Mix together (it will not make a paste) and set aside for three minutes, then add to the cauldron.
9. Simmer the cauldron for three minutes, then stir three times, clockwise
10. Clean the mortar and pestle, and add two tablespoons of Lacewing flies, one teaspoon of honey, and one teaspoon of water, and crush until it makes a smooth paste. Carefully add the paste to the cauldron
“With these tiny little syringes here,” they really were quite cute! “We need to add half a millilitre of wormwood essence to the potion.” He scooped up half a millilitre from the small container of wormwood essence, and syringed it into the cauldron. “Now, you can either pass those back at the end of the class, or clean them and keep them for your own potion tool kit. Th-then with another, fresh syringe, we need 0.1 of a millilitre of our Boomslang venom. Tiny amount, but very concentrated. Just measure it and put it to the side for the moment.” He measured the minute dose of the venom, and put it aside. “Now, we need to clean our mortar and pestle,” he said, demonstrating the cleaning of his, “and add one unicorn horn to the mortar and crush it to a fine powder. Once you’ve done that, add the boomslang venom TO the unicorn horn powder and give it a little mix. It’s not enough liquid to create a paste, but we just want to mix it together before we add it to the cauldron,” he explained, crushing his unicorn horn and tilting his mortar to show the class how fine the powder was. Almost like sand. He added the tiny amount of the boomslang venom to the mortar, and mixed it with his wooden stirrer. “Now just tip this onto a clean dish and put to the side for at least three minutes, just to let the ingredients work together. What we want is for the boomslang venom’s SLOW characteristic to give the potion a long lasting duration. But as it is venom, we need to counteract this with the purifying characteristics of the unicorn horn. It takes away the venom but… but for some reason it leaves the slow acting characteristic.” He loved that. Putting it aside, he cleaned his mortar and pestle again.

“Now, with your clean mortar and pestle, add your two tablespoons of lacewing flies, and then one teaspoon each of water and honey.” He measured out his ingredients, and commenced mashing it all together. “We want to mash it to make a nice, smooth paste, and then we just add that to the cauldron.” He carefully added the paste to his cauldron, preventing splashback, and checked the timer. Three minutes had passed, and he added the mixture of boomslang venom and powdered unicorn horn to the cauldron.

OOC: Again, 5 posts for this next bit. Shout out if you want us! I'm happy for you to keep going with previous steps and get to this bit later if you need to <3

always on the move
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