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Rooney met the Ravenclaw stereotype on a daily basis. Not to humour the idea, but because it was actually what he enjoyed. Spending time in the library. Today it had been a whole 5 hours with a career specific book, writing notes and taking suggestions. Suggestions from pages, but also from the extended considerations he came up with using his own brain. He was on his way back to his common room with two piles of books levitating behind him, another open in his hands as he perused the theoretical side of wizarding theatrics.
Always planning ahead, this one.
His three years in the castle had him used to stair climbing on the daily, and he was efficient and quick at moving up them without getting caught between their own movements. Sometimes, he did get lost on them on purpose. Just to see what quiet spots he could find. He had just skimmed across a spell to do with a homing spotlight and grinned. This would be perfect for him! Now just to perfect the casting!!
Azura wasn't fully looking where she was going, no.. she had her face stuck in her music sheet music and was humming slightly, trying to figure out what notes sounded well together.. She was thinking of writing a song for Jace.. because.. friends did that? Or rather.. one friend who seriously like the other other.. who really didn't like her back..Did that..
She was so lost in her thoughts and her music writing that she didn't see the boy with the levitating books behind them and walked straight into the stack of books!!
With a soft squeak she fell backwards! Music flying, quill soaring overhead and she landed on her back.. and hit her head..
Thankfully she had just missed hitting her nose on the stack of books!
Owwwwwwww.... She groaned as she slowly started to push up from the floor.