Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium SPOILER!!: James
Yes, yes, he was incredible. He knew that, of course. Hold the applause.
He gave the Slytherin some time to read over the options, looking over to make sure that Merlin was still happily sat in place. Pft. And they though James Draper didn't care. Of course he cared. But it was always easier when they thought he didn't, so Hady wouldn't slip word of any of this, yes? Because James rather liked the reputation he had built for himself here.
Friends weren't necessary. James much rather have respect.
Anyways, "That all depends on which one you choose, shadowing will most likely provide the most flexible hours..." He nodded, "But that's why I left the contact information for you. Best do that sort of research on your own time." He did a lot for her, but also self sufficiency was a good trait, yes?
As for her second question, he thought about it for a moment. "I'd choose whichever peaked my interest," it probably wasn't the straight forward answer she was looking for. He wasn't good at those apparently. But he would've chosen the reserve, only because it was similar to his experience in Brunei and he loved that. Though she was an entirely different story, "You have to decide that much on your own. They will all be impressive on your university applications, so choose whatever you want to do most. First instincts are usually the best ones." Or did he think so because he was a Gryffindor?
Solid advice. Ten points to Draper.
Something with flexible hours would be nice but also she didn't think it would matter all to much since her father now traveled tons for his new job anyhow. So if she choose something were she would be constantly busy for the better part of the summer then that would be a good thing. Writing to these places and asking some questions would be the very best answer for her. "I plan on doing just that," she replied with a nod of her own. As in probably as soon as she got back to her dorm. Better to get a quick start on these types of things.
His next answer caused her to laugh very softly. It didn't help her much but it did make sense and she smiled at it. "I always have next year as well to give something else a try if the chance comes up." And if it didn't it wasn't a big deal. Here and now was what was important. First instincts, huh? If she went that way then she already knew which one she would be going for. "I can do that." And chances were she would. Ireland was the one that got her attention and still had it.
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