Lil' gooz | Sarangel | Junior Dweeb Yoongi really didn't sound as sad as he should've been in the face of all those droopy plants, but Norah just smiled at him instead of pointing it out. It was silly to think he'd think the exact same things that she did, after all. Then they'd be the exact same person, and what fun would that be? She did wonder what Yoongi would look like if he was as frustrated with hair brushing as she was, but that was a whole nother story. She was sorry enough for the flowers for the both of them.
She spun to face him with a big grin, going up on her tippy toes for maximum effect. "You've gotta loooooooooove them." DUH. "Flowers are like people. Or something like that. Everybody wants to be loved, right?" She squinted at him for a moment before continuing, "Plants aren't an exception, 'cept you can't really give a flower a hug. Well, you could, but it'd probably be a bit too much of a squish for them. Y'never know who's gonna be fragile." He could SING for them if he knew how (she certainly didn't) or play an instrument (she couldn't do that either) or dance (that was just asking for a disaster. Or water. Water was good too. "So. It's not just water. It's water and lots of big smiles and some nice talking, if you know how to do that." He seemed like he would. "And if their leaves are awfully dead looking you can trim 'em, too." What a TIME to be ALIVE. PLANT TRIMMING!
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