Post #1 YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers Tia generally enjoyed potions because of the systematic steps involved with its preparation. However when they were told to bring their pets today, the seventh year felt slightly disheartened because she was probably one of the few who didn't have a pet. It wasn't that she didn't like animals, but more that every summer, she always felt there were more crucial things to spend her galleons on then an animal. Not to mention the school owls served her well enough up until this moment. But not wanting to be unprepared, she had made a trek up to the owlery before class that morning and picked up a lovely brown owl to borrow for the duration of the lesson. So no she had no connection with the owl, other than both being at Hogwarts, but maybe she could still get some kind of effect?
Measuring six cups of water out into her cauldron, the head girl used her wand to light a small flame under her cauldron and then set her timer. Five minutes to wait and study the method. Five minutes to get to know her borrowed pet.
__________________  ___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem ✯ |