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Old 03-12-2016, 03:07 PM   #10 (permalink)

Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 3,402
Default 250; 230 ; 30
Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

Now it was time, do or die.......well...lose. She was mostly having fun......but now she was sure he was in perfect position. She could tell where he was standing and with his light dimmed she was sure he had figured it out. Here went all or for the advanced training father.

Making sure that her only movement was he'd wand, she non verbally cast Petrificus Totalus with all her might. As far as she could estimate , she would hit Jim square in the chest.... Everything rode on this one move.

Text Cut: Points Tracker
  • Spells Cast:
    Petrificus Totalus (non-verbal)
  • Affected by Spells: Bedazzling Hex
  • Dueler Name: Freya Valke
    • H: 350
    • M: 230 - 100 - 25 = 105
    • F: 30
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