Soil Analysis 1 Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura waved at Elsa and she nodded at her. "All Good!" She said with a warm smile as she trudged around the barren land. What.. Had happened here? She wasn't sure but it was sad. She almost felt like crying and as she moved into the tent to grab a trowel..
She stopped for a moment and put her hand on the dirt. "We are going to help you.. I promise. " She whispered out as she moved out of the tent with her supplies
She stopped a ways from the tent and bent down in the dirt and scooped up some and then placed it in her beaker. She carefully measured out one cup of the solution and put it into her beaker along with the dirt.. And then
Swirl Swirl..