♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ It was Portkey tiiiiiiime. Jaemin knew in theory how these things worked, but he'd never taken one before. He wasn't sure if he needed to be worried or not. Was it dangerous? Most things in the magical world seemed to be, in one way or another. Could you splinch yourself with a portkey??? Was that a thing that could happen? Because he was already small enough, and he needed to keep all his parts.
The small Slytherin bounced immediately over to Professor Myers, because very tiny Herbologists stuck with other not so tiny Herbologists. That was the way they kept safest. Yes. He stuck himself right up to Professor Myers' side, because that was definitely the safest of safe places, and looked up at the man before reaching to touch the... ugly... shoe... thing. Was it a shoe? It was an awful shoe, if it was.
"It's safe, right?" he whispered, fidgeting a bit. |