We see all you lovebugs <33 Haddie, Rachel, Professor buds elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿ Moxley issued a series of hey, hello, and hi theres as the students began piling into the space. She was particularly pleased with Mr. Bellaire's greeting, as it was accompanied by a compliment for her and her alone. It was fun being adored and the brunette beamed at the young Gryffindor in response. See? Things were going swimmingly already. Or...they had been.
What on earth? "Excuse me, pardon me, make way for the headmistress!" She was a very important person and looked it in her uniform and she parted the small crowd that had formed around Ms. Denaker and Ms. Watson before kneeling beside Paul. "Flying weasels, huh? Sure sounds like she's hit her head to me..." Y'know, in her very professional but non-healery opinion. "I'm not sure I understand what it is that caused these injuries as I've never heard of such a thing. Perhaps you both should be checked out properly," Her gaze turned to her colleagues. This was strange, yes? Also Moxley wasn't keen on dealing with angry parents if it turned out these two had suffered more damage than just their enlarged limbs. ...There was also the small fact that they didn't have long to come to a decision as they had a departure time to worry about. "The rest of you, please change if you haven't already. We've got this situation under control!"
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