350; 295; 30 Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Her spell scared him hmm? Shielding himself from it, not bad. She had heard him though. Her spell wasn't likely to have connected....but footfalls were revealing if you knew how to listen. Chasing him was going to be fun.
First thing though, this guy seemed to like repeating himself.....so she tossed up a "Protego" to protect herself. No sense in letting him get something in on her when she couldn't see him. She cast "Aguamenti" in his general direction, not expecting a direct hit but that would be good too. Something bounced off of her shield and it amused her. There may have been a ballerina twirl as she sprayed a fountain of water from her wand......just maybe. Hopefully he didn't mind it wet, although....she really didn't care if he did.
Ilia didn't feel like continuously aiming revealing spells at him and getting blocked...that was no fun. If he wanted to be invisible , fine....but she could play that game too. Try this on for size boy..... She cast a bedazzling hex upon herself. He couldn't see the smirk, but oh it was there.....
This was going to be a fun game.....just no one could see the action. Ghost dueling in a sense. The funny thing was, if he wanted to reveal her he would have to reveal himself with the same spell.......now what were you going to do Sir? |