H: 100 m: 93 f: 15 That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars
Oh, oh, OH! Jaemin was firing back!
Cornelius' heart fluttered in nervous excitement. It was coming...it was coming...it..was...coming and--"PROTEGOOO!" A shield was produced in front of him, his fingers tingling from the stellar connection between him and his wand. It was AWESOME. Gosh gosh. A smirk slowly pulled at his lips. He was DEFLECTING Jaemin's hex, that way while the hex rebounded right back to his friend, Cornelius took opportunity to shoot another spell. That's what his older mates told him. SHOOT SHOOT.
That spell being the Trip Jinx.
Green eyes eagerly watched. Hit...hit...hit?
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, Merlin, pleeeeeeeeeeeease.
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