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Old 03-08-2016, 01:16 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is online now
Default Astro+Herbo+MS: JOINT FIELD WORK (pre departure)

Stepping into the Astronomy classroom, the smells of breakfast still clinging to the late morning air, you find the room exceptionally ordinary save for the desks being pushed off to the side rather than their usual semi circle formation to make room for two changing tents clearly marked 'BOYS' and 'GIRLS'. The other unusual thing about the setting would be the attire of the three professors. There is no need to be jealous of the professors new rags for, as the instructions on the blackboard indicate, there are some for each and everyone of you.


Please take a provided uniform from the box and change into it quickly. Portkey leaves in 15 minutes.
You can find Professor Myers sits on his yoga mat in pre-departure meditation while Professor Moxley sits on Professor Flamsteed's desk swinging her legs back and forth giddily. The astronomer himself, however, casts apprehensive glances at the woman as though he has something on his mind while holding Pebbles in his right hand.

Did you remember to use the lint roller on the small table outside of the classroom? It was there next to the sign that reads, "Not to be used as a brush for your hair" and has the signature of a former student in the bottom right corner.
Lesson Progression
question: how do humans destroy the environment?
happening: grab a portkey!
Please be familiar with Professor Flamsteed's, Professor Myers', and Professor Moxley's rules before attending. All SnitchSeeker site rules apply.

Class will officially begin in approximately 14 hours from the time of this post.