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Old 03-07-2016, 12:44 PM   #4 (permalink)

Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 3,402
Default 350 ; 360 ; 30
Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

After this one trying to single her out in their first meeting, she hoped for a bit of a fight at least. Time for an experiment. If you give an opponent the first move.....what will he do with it? She cast Protego upon herself, strong enough to deflect something. Just in case because, well never leave yourself open. Constant vigilance after all, but...what will he do?

Disillusionment. That was actually a pretty good opening move. One thing about it though.....she knew the counter move. "Come out, come out, wherever you are...." Her expression never shifted from the cold calm she started the match with. Mustering her intention with clear focus, she used the proper wand motions and spoke the words with force."Homenum Revelio"

Then she felt something bounce off of her shield, good thing she had set it....who knows what he was trying to sneak in on her. It was a fun start so far, but if she could end it she would. Now it was time to see if she could just incapacitate him. "Silencio" She spoke the words quietly, but with no less intent or power. If he knew the motion well enough, he would know what was coming. What will you do with that?

Text Cut: Points Tracker
  • Spells Cast:
    • Protego: Creates a shield charm against MINOR spells (jinxs,hexes, and curses) and sends them in rebound to the original caster (i.e. Shield Charm)
      • Caster Points:
        • H: 0
        • M: -15c(deflecting)
        • F: 0
      • Opponent Points:
        • H: 0
        • M: 0
        • F: 0
      • Additional Effects: If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of the returned spell.

    • Homenum Revelio: Reveals any human presence near the caster (Human Presence Revealing Spell)

      • Caster Points:
        • H: 0
        • M: -25
        • F: 0
      • Opponent Points:
        • H: 0
        • M: 0
        • F: 0
      • Additional Effects: Can be used to cancel / negate disillusionment type spells
  • Silencio: Forces target to be silent (i.e. Silencing Charm)

    • Caster Points:
      • H: 0
      • M: -25
      • F: 0
    • Opponent Points:
      • H: -5
      • M: -25
      • F: 0
    • Additional Effects: Can be used defensively against caterwauling/shrieking charms or noises. Can be used offensively to try and silence opponent from casting further spells (magic points lost by opponent if successful)
  • Affected by Spells: N/A
  • Dueler Name: Freya Valke
    • H: 350
    • M: 360 - 15 - 25 - 25 = 295
    • F: 30
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