Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura breathed a sigh of relief as Garreth spoke and she smiled at him. "C'mon Garreth, have some faith in yourself, I'm sure you could get it.. and yeah once they find out your age, they might recall the invitation, or.. they might make an exception.. and let you in." She pointed out.. She had no doubt at all that her friend was smart enough to get into college. He WAS a Ravvie after all. He just needed to believe in himself.
Like she did. "Well, I'm glad to hear that, I would hate to be down yet another friend! I don't know how I would handle you leaving on top of Jazzy being super busy and Jace.." She trailed off, lost in sad thoughts for a moment, when Garreth shot her a smirk and bit her lip and blushed a little.. "I guess, I AM pretty cool.. at times." She said teasingly as she tugged at the ends of her hair a little bit.. She didn't know if he had meant her or not, but she was going to pretend like he did! He most likely meant Rachel and Jace.. and she couldn't blame him there.. They were awesome.. She wasn't even at their level..
*sighs* "I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!!" Azura said as she pulled her hands down from her face and looked at him with an apologetic look in her purple eyes. "I didn't meant to laugh! I just.. couldn't help it! Forgive me?" She asked as she put her hands up in a gesture of apology! She didn't want to tease him about it, she should have know it would have to do with Mr. Kitridge.. She bit her lip again to keep a giggle in as she looked up at him..
Only to have the smile wiped from her face as he spoke.. "Well, whether he does or not.. I don't even know.. All I know is that I have to lie, and lie hard in order not to lose my friend.. My feelings don't matter.. I just don't want to lose him.." She whispered softly.. She should have never said anything to Jace in the first place..
And then.. Oh Fwoopers! "No! Garreth! No! I wouldn't do that to you! I mean.. it wouldn't be hard to like you.. but.." Oh Fwoopers.. Azura was almost fluttering around the boy like a panicked butterfly! Flitting this way and that to try and calm down her blushing friend! This was almost like Jazzy and the hug thing!! And she had barely talked to him since!! "Garreth.. please.. calm down.. I.. can't lose you too!" She whispered as she finally put her hands on his arms.. "See, the idea of me liking someone is horrific isn't it?" She said as she gave him a half smile.. "It's okay.. when I start liking you, I'll never tell you and we can just be friends forever all right?" She said as she looked up at him.. "So no worries okay?"
Please calm down.. pleaseeeeee.. Merlin.. she must have the plague.. apparently even the THOUGHT of liking her liking him sent him into panic mode..