Originally Posted by
DaniDiNardo The thing about Bentley was that he was persistent and didn't know when to quit. Blaise had done a bang up job of skipping every single Charms class since the first in September but his cousin still held on to the hope he'd go back one day. Hadn't they both agreed they weren't gonna learn anything ANYWAY??? Apparently not because he was throwing heavy book bags at him.
The collision shattered his concentration, causing the levitating book to hurtle down into his face moments after the bag had made impact.
"Gee....thanks mate." He muttered, shoving both away from him. Blaise pulled himself into a sitting position and rolled his eyes at his cousin. "Oh get off it already. I'm never going back to Charms class. If YOU hurry, you can get one of my sandwiches before they run out."
As a show of good faith he even extended one to him. Give up Bentley, the hour was theirs to enjoy.
Bentley walked over to his cousin's bed and plopped down. And this was why he wasn't much better. He knew he should just spin on his heels and head out the door to charms class but he was now sitting down. It was already over. He was skipping class with Blaise.
Frowning Bentley took the sandwich and pulled his legs up under him.
"You're going to get me expelled from school. I feel it already. I might as well find a box so I can live semi comfy on the streets."