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The dark haired boy nodded. "Don't worry I'll remember to let you listen to it." He wasn't going to forget that. He never forgot anything that had to do with music.
Brady nodded as he listened to her. All of this was so crazy. Why did she have feelings for someone already? Why did she have feelings for a jerk like that boy? The first year looked at Azura and blinked. "Aren't all of us to young to have those feeling things that adults get?" He asked her. "Do you need me to beat him up?" He was more that welcome to do that for her. He didn't want to see Azura hurt or sad.
Bradson shrugged. "I've been trying to talk to my best friend about it but I think she dumped me as her best friend because I haven't seen her in awhile and she's been hanging out with another guy." What was his name? Carl? Corny? Corn on the cob? Something like that.
Azura slowly nodded as Brady spoke, she had sort of been expecting an answer like this, which was why she hadn't talked about it much. Perhaps she was too young.. but.. She knew what she felt. Sadly.
"Well, it's not like I want to marry him or anything." She said softly.
Or have two kids named Violet and Ryder and live in France and be the best healer there ever was. "I just.. like him, perhaps a crush is a better way to explain it." She said softly before she looked at him and shook her head.
"Thanks for the offer, but he's still my friend.. hopefully. Maybe if he refuses to be my friend.. I might take you up on that." She said with a warm smile over at Brady.
She hoped Jace wanted to still be her friend.. She missed talking to him!
"I'm so sorry, My best friend got super busy and I've barely talked to him at all lately, so I know exactly how you feel." She said with a sigh..
"Well, you can still talk to me..if you want." She said with a nod.