this is me catching up because I am slow, part 1 ♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ This was sooooo not the optimal setting for Jaemin to be working in. The small boy moved back obediently when the professor told them to, but he kept casting furtive glances at those around him. For most classes, this would be plenty of space for him to work comfortably around everyone else... but this was brooms. These things moved around, and sometimes rather against the will of the person on it. He could only imagine getting crash-landed on by another student, and it was more than a little off-putting.
Still... Professor Tanner wouldn't let anything bad happen. She was one of the good professors. Didn't eat kids or anything, as far as he was aware. *squints* So Jaemin dutifully swung himself onto the broom as the professor had demonstrated, and held onto it as carefully, yet firmly, as he possibly could. He didn't want to fall off, but he also didn't want to offend the broom or anything... that'd be awful.
When they were given the go-ahead, Jaemin drew a deep breath and pushed his feet off the ground as hard as he could. At the same time, he pulled the broom up just a bit; the small boy found himself about six feet in the air, wobbling a little as he tried to adjust to how it felt to be sitting on a broom and suddenly have all his weight on it like this. It was weird. He was not sure he liked this at all.
He hovered where he was for a long moment, unsteady and nervous as he squeezed the broom handle a little tighter, before tilting it forward to get back down on the ground. He must have tilted it a little bit too far or something, because he dropped out of the air like a falling rock, feet hitting the ground hard with a loud gasp.
Nope. Noooooope. Not very fond of this at all. He didn't fall, thank Merlin, but he still didn't appreciate the way he'd landed. The small Slytherin wrinkled his nose and gave the broom handle a look. |