Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura kept watching Garreth with expectant eyes, she knew he was hiding something and she clasped her hands in front of her and smiled at him. "I'm not leaving until I find out what it is that kept you from us, so you might as well just tell me." She said with a warm smile, "I'm not hungry either so.. you might be looking at me for quite some time until you spit it out." She teased her friend as she pushed her hair behind her ears and adjusted into a more comfortable position..
Yup.. the first year wasn't moving..
Nuh uh.. Not even if Jace walked in and kissed her!
A slow blush formed on Azura's cheeks, oookkkayyyy, she would maybe move for that! But that would mean the world was ending, and obviously they were missing the apocalypse if THAT happened. For the demise of the planet would be the only way the half Japanese boy would do such a thing..
Ehhem.. anyways!
And then a slow smile formed on her face as the boy finally spit it out! Applying for college! "Garreth Kenway! Applying for college? Her hands reached up and grasped his.. "Which one? What name did you give! Tell me everything, and of course you will get in! I have no doubts." He was SO smart, of course he would get in! "What made you think of that? Just practicing for when we graduate?" She asked him curiously.. before..
Azura wasn't really use to people hugging HER.. Usually she was the one who hugged and other people had to deal with it, but this.. This was nice. A smile formed on her face for a moment as she hugged him back, before.. Garreth let go and asked her about it..
Now it was her turn to look around and avoid eye contact and stutter a bit. Her eyes flew to the door, sadly.. it didn't seem like the end of the world was happening, so she would have to explain.. "Just.. promise not to laugh at me okay?" She asked him as she fiddled with the edge of her cloak..
Last edited by MunchyBubbles; 03-01-2016 at 07:23 PM.