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Old 02-27-2016, 07:53 AM   #24 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

SPOILER!!: Haddie
Originally Posted by Callie View Post
Haddie, though her expression was still a bit pained. "Just bruised I think. Should be a good one though. All black and blue and purple." She sounded a bit excited at the prospect. Though she did wince when she sat down and rubbed her back a little. Noting that Kitridge was watching her still, Haddie assured him, "I'm fine. Really." She was tough.

Haddie eyed her Head of House suspiciously. She was sure he knew it was the cupcakes that did this. Was he the one that put them out? He earn a lot of points in her book if he had. She studied him a moment, then decided that, no, he wasn't the one. Probably. She put the cupcake down on the table. "I'll save it for later."

Haddie grinned. "It's my winning charm and magnetic personality." Obviously. "Can't you tell?" She shrugged. "You tell me, though. 'Cause it only happens around you." Was Haddie capable of not being a smart alec? Sure. It was just really, really hard. Exceptionally hard. The hardest.

Haddie was clearly showing signs of pain after her crash landing on the table just minutes ago. Leo estimated that she had gotten more than one colourful bruise. He was however not going to push the point since she stated that she was fine. Instead he commented. "All right, if the bruises pains you too much then go see Healer Tillstorm."

Why Haddie was suddenly was eyeing him in a strange way was hard to puzzle out unless she thought he had had something to do with her and Rachel and turning into canaries. If that was the case then Leo was internally offended. He'd pull a prank like that in his youth not when he was an adult. Shrugging he responded in reference to the cupcake. "Fine, but aren't you hungry?"

Then of course Haddie had to be sassy towards him. It was inevitable. Holding in a snappy retort Leo took a breath before he said peacefully. "I don't know what you are talking about Haddie. I have no hand in food sticking to your skin and, why would I?" If she thought that of him, her head of house then she clearly didn't know him well enough.

SPOILER!!: Rachel
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Oh no! Rachel didn't like the sound of Haddie having a nasty, ugly bruise and she hoped it would vanish quickly. "Okay. Be sure to take it easy so as to not irritate your back.'' She watched the other girl for a while as though trying to decide if there was further damage. But she frowned slightly soon after. "Oh, Haddie.'' She really shouldn't be rude or sarcastic to Mr Kitridge. Rachel shook her head. "Let's keep the sarcasm and rudeness at bay, shall we?'' In an effort to change the tone of the conversation, she said, ''That was quite fun. I wouldn't mind having wings again.''

She giggled. "You probably would have needed the Healer,'' she replied in an attempt to joke. "But it would give you some practice from when your son is older and you have to lift him on your shoulder. How is he, anyway?'' The Eagle pulled a plate of toast towards her. "Possibly to others but I wouldn't mind having you as company. I think you're rather interesting.'' Mr Kitridge was one of her favourite persons, after all.

As if on cue as when she was near Rachel hurried to her friend Haddie's defence. It had been that same ever since the night at the start of the year when they had been sorted into Ravenclaw. Leo endorsed strong friendships but some battles Rachel had to let Haddie fight on her own. Like this one.

Leo did though however not mind the change in conversation and thus tagged on to it asking Rachel curiously. "Was it your own idea to turn into canaries or were you dared by someone?"

Fondness and love showed in his face as he answered the question about his son. "Jackson is healthy and growing. I saw him last when Professor Cassie brought him along for the day to Puddifoots during the Hogsmeade weekend." Never mind the fact that Cassie didn't teach here anymore. To the student's she'd still be prof Cassie.

Laughing Leo said "I'm flattered that you think I'm interesting Rachel but I I'm not going to make eating breakfast at the claw table a tradition. You need your space." And so did he. For the next minutes he focused on eating his breakfast in silence.
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