Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura smiled warmly at Professor Tanner. 'I'm happy to be here as well Professor." She said with a nod, just to let her know that she wasn't unhappy to be here.. She wanted to be here.. She was just..
She was just a mess cause of Jace Who had shown up after her and had ignored her. That was how things were going to go now weren't they? She bit her lip a little as she moved off to get her broom. The wind whipped at the twelve year old, but she just pulled her cloak in tighter and moved to where Professor Tanner had pointed out..
Once she had gotten a broom, she trudged back to where the rest of her fellow first years were.. A small smile came to her face as Haddie waved at her, but she still didn't join her Mel or Rachel She stood off to the side a bit, her head bowed against the wind, holding her broom and not looking at Jace.. It would probably be best if she just left him alone from now on.
Tears would have come.. had they not frozen to her face instantly..
She blinked and then waved at Ariadnewho had joined them.