Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN They be FLYIN!!!
And so was this speed devil towards the pitch. And he isnt even on a broom to do that.
Its true that first years arent allowed their own brooms. A travesty and such archaic, irrelevant ruling according to the senior Salander-- to which the junior could only wholeheartedly agree. But not being able to bring his own ride didn’t stop him from showing up on the first day of flying class. They'll be given the chance to do some legit flying, who cares if the ride is a little worse for wear eh? "HI PROFESSOR TANNER HI!!" the curly top beamed with such warm enthusiasm the wintry wind couldnt possibly put a chill in it. "Do we get to pick out our own brooms now huh huh?" That open broom shed is like a picnic basket to a bear, absolutely irresistible. |