He felt AWFUL, really he did, but WHAT was he supposed to do? His hands were tied - not literally obviously, but this was an impossible thing. How does one spare thier SIGNIFICANT OTHER from physical and emotional pain and from humiliation, like, it was hard. He was doing the best he could here.
The look on his face was apologetic, and he knew that would count for squat, especially when she started wriggling out of his arm. Like... ouch much?
"I'm sorry! Maggie, I'm so sorry," he stated clearly, meaning it 110% "I didn't want to..."
It wasn't funny. It wasn't cool. It was sick. He was sick... god he was sick.
Zeke's gaze was locked on hers, the hurt in her eyes was difficult to ignore and impossible to avoid. He was done for. He knew it now... only instead of a verbal berating - which is the FIRST thing he expected, he got a swift kick to the shin. A good one too.
Ooooowwwww! Zeke winced, arms outstretched to try and pull her back if she'd let him. "Babe, please?"
Referee? A little help? What should he do?!