Charms Lesson
How to annoy an annoyance As you walk into the charms room you might notice paint cans sitting by the door. Red, blue, purple, and green to be exact. The next thing you notice when coming in is that the room is very open in the middle. Desk can be found along the wall so you can have a seat and take notes for the day. On the desk in the front there is many art type objects, could you be doing an art project instead of charms today?
Off the to corner of the front of the room there are quite a bit of dummies hanging out waiting to be used. Professor Primeaux can be found writing on his blackboard, instead of his usual suit he is found in a pair of jeans and sweatshirt. Quote:
~If you have anything of value that you don't want paint on I would advice you to come place it in the protective desk drawer up front.
~The paint will come out of clothes, but this is the reason for no robes today.
~Please find a seat and get ready for class to start.
Lesson Progression Greetings and who is the annoyance Skurge,
If you would like a reference to the WIKI
Encouraging words