Post 5 Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh She heard the professor call out the fifteen minute mark and she pretended to actually try harder. "Carpe Retractum!" Ilia made a whip like motion at the water and.............oh, oh crap....she actually got a hold of something! That something wasn't a seahorse thankfully, was dark and inanimate. She couldn't see until it was on the bank really, but it was a deteriorating boot. Eww....that was disgusting......Accidentally, of course, she used the whip-like spell and tossed it backward in Haddie and Rachel's direction..........though not close enough to hit Professor Draper. She didn't want to peg him with something, he didn't do a thing to her really. She didn't expect the boot to hit them either honestly, but it smelled terribly foul and wafting its stench over there was punishment enough probably.
She focused on the water to at least momentarily ignore any reaction from her 'accidental' toss. "Carpe Retractum" She cast again, whipping the water, she stirred up a large chunk of seaweed. Letting, it plop back into the water gently. |