So, Amur wasn't really sure about this dueling thing being her thing. She didn't mind picking fights, or even finishing them, but there was something different about this type of fighting. Mostly in the realm of the fact that her knowledge of spells was vastly limited, her wand movements even more so and her quick thinking even less when it came to trying to sputter out the sort-of-Latin-language.
Still, she put on her brave face. Did a brave handshake and nod to Colt's sentiments, and thought about turning his shoes to dragons right then and there. Because, how
awesome would that be?
But no. Bows were first. Then, apparently, figuring out what to do next was second.
It involved a sort of bobbing dance of indecision as whether to dart left or right, while her feet were still stuck in the same place. Needless to say, she was right dead center where she had straightened from the bow when the spell got her right in the gut. The world tilted and tipped as heels went over head and head went over heels.
A couple of sure brusies later, Amur skidded to a half and coughed up the bit of dust that she had inhaled. Well, wasn't that just
rude? Pushing herself to her hands and knees, Amur immediately flicked her wand towards the boy's trousers.
Really, if she could have thought how to put ants in his pants instead, she totally would have done that. But, she was feeling a bit irrate at getting knocked with the first spell and there was nothing quite like saying it was 'on', as casting a nice jet of fire at someone.