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"I really hope so too" he said slightly wide eyed shaking his head "That thing was just creepy and I didn't even see it myself!" He really hoped it was gone for good. First the spiders and now this? Just....nope he didn't want to think what might come next. Nothing was coming. Nope.
Merlin....he was going to message his mum and dad, they would be able to do something he hoped. That was dangerous! "That's just....how could the ingredient be off? Why would....doesn't the ingredients come from Diagon Alley? Or something? Shouldn't they be tested first before being sent out?"
"You...." he looked at her concerned "You cried yourself to sleep?" he asked softly "Why?" Dizzy...headache "Maybe you should see the nurse..."
Azura smiled at Torie as he spoke and she shook her head,
"Believe me, you didn't want to see it." She said as she gave another shiver and sighed softly, the doll was the least of her worries at the moment.
She shrugged at his next words..
"I don't know how they could be off, but somehow.. they were. They were tampered apparently." It was all so very strange, something odd was going on with the school and she wasn't sure that she liked it! What else was going to happen? And all during her first year too! If this was her first year, what was her next 6 going to be like?
Azura bit her lip as she turned her purple eyes up towards Torie, despite him being like her knight in shining armor. He would probably think she was nuts with all of her uh.. boy trouble?
"Yesterday was just a bad day, I said some stuff in potions while being mildly poisoned.. and well.. let's just say people remembered it.." And then rejected her.. and then wouldn't talk to her this morning..
She sighed softly..
"Maybe I should?"