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Old 02-23-2016, 02:30 AM   #236 (permalink)

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Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

Originally Posted by Symphora View Post
Henric raised his wand and began casting the spell easily into the water. Would he want to catch them? The answer was no. He rather watched them frolicking about in their natural environment. Hmm? Those little flying seahorses didn't know what was coming at them. He sat beside llia and pretending to look engrossed catching them. How long did he have to be here? Shouldn't there be a bait or something? "llia, did you manage to catch one?" he asked.
"Carpe Retractum" Ilia cast the spell at the water, just to stir up the surface....not because she actually saw something. Run away little ones... Henric sat beside where she was crouching and she smiled a little at him. Did she catch one? "" She smiled weakly over at him. "I'm really not trying to catch them." She whispered just loud enough for only him to hear. The professor probably wouldn't want to know that, but she figured that Henric would understand her....if anyone did it was him. Henric wasn't really trying either was he? Hmm, her kindred spirit.
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