Post # 2 Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Ilia ignored Haddie's performance and simply disrespectfully rolled her eyes at the ickle child. As if she was going to buy that routine. No, Ilia didn't believe her a bit. It really wasn't anything to do with her acting, she didn't necessarily seem like she was acting. Maybe it was ,in fact, a mistake. Ilia simply didn't trust the child and therefore did not believe her. She saw the eaglet's actions at the feast, beginning of the term. Oh no, this child liked to be trouble. The thing don't poke a snake and expect not to get bit. It may be a delayed reaction, but Ilia was not so simply dismissing or forgiving the child. Rachel got a look of disdain, as if to say she expected something better of her. To think, she was going to try and be nice to the child for Henric's sake.....
Ignoring the brats, she decided to get to work. At least Henric was by her side. Quietly she filled her jar with "Aguamenti" being careful not to spill anything. Half way full was sufficient, she could always fill more later. If it wasn't chilly she might have splashed Henric accidentally on purpose.....but he didn't tolerate the cold as well as she did, so she thought better of it. Smiling at him, she carried her jar a little closer to the water. Fishing time she supposed. |