Text Cut: The Narrator
Originally Posted by
The Narrator
Are you all sound asleep?
Well you should be - it's the middle of the night!
But as you wake up, trying to figure out what it was that awoke you, it happens again.
Something, or some..one is breathing on your neck.
Ariadne was having a really nice dream about Quidditch. She was on a team...somewhere. Nevermind where. They were winning, though! She was riding high on her broomstick and staring at the hoop in the distance. They had this! The bludger was heading her way, and she must have been playing Beater like her mom and sister, because she had a bat. She raised her bat and aimed it toward the bludger. Just as bat was about to hit ball...
...something began breathing heavily on her neck.
"MASON?!" she asked, awakening with a start. Mason was the ONLY other first year Slytherin girl around, so Ariadne assumed it must be her. Ariadne fumbled for her wand, which wasn't a good defense technique, but yeah... She fumbled for it, finally found it, and cast lumos.
Her fellow first year looked just as startled as she did, though.
"Oh, my Merlin, what was that?!" she asked, hoping the other girl knew something. ANYTHING.
"Somebody's...IN HERE WITH US."