Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura looked at Jace as he spoke and she blinked a little as she looked down at the piece of parchment that sat on the table. Notes? Oh! Yes, she should copy those!
She gave him a tentative smile back before settling back in her chair. She couldn't exactly white a letter to Jace while he was sitting right next to her! So, of course she should write down notes. "Thanks! I'll join you." She said with a bit of an easier smile coming to her lips, before sighing. "Oh thank you! My notes got ruined as well all that water raining down on us." Thank you Matt and other boy for that..
She got out her quill and she started to copy down Jace's notes, all the while her mind was whirling with thoughts. Did he not.. know? Did he.. remember? If she remembered, surely he should have right? But what if he didn't? And if he hadn't, why had he blushed when he had looked at her? Why had he seemed so concerned after call and why insist on walking her back?
Was he just trying to spare her feelings?
Her quill stopped scratching on her parchment as her heart gave a tiny throb. He was so nice to do that for her. Perhaps he didn't want to lose her friendship either? She bit her lip and looked over at him..
Too many questions that needed answers. Too many thoughts that were moving around her head.. and she could feel the tension in the air. "Uhhhh Jace." She put her quill down, she didn't really want to interrupt his letter writing, but she needed to get this out before her little Ravenclaw brain exploded.. And really, she didn't want to be tiny bits of Azura. She preferred to stay whole thank you very much.
Her purple eyes looked over at him slightly worriedly.. "About potions.." This.. was where she wished she could lie. She could simply tell him it was the potion that made her say it.. and then they could have a laugh at how stupid that was and would have been and go on with their day.. but She couldn't. She had to tell him the truth. And she had to face the consequences that went with it. "I don't know if you remember what I said in there, but I meant it. I didn't know myself until the words were coming out to fast for me to stop them. But.. I like you." She looked down at the table as she took a breath to calm herself.. and brace for what was probably going to be the nicest rejection the world has ever seen. "I'm sorry." |