Sabbath had agreed with Tenacious that starting the search on the real first floor was a good idea and the trio had made quick work of finding the next parchment suspended in the Weasley Bog.
Sabbath nodded at Tenacius when he suggested trying the accio spell again,
"Yeah man, its worth a try". He watched as his new friend cast the same accio spell that hadn't worked earlier. They waited in the hope that the parchment would come zooming in their direction and Sabbath was ready to jump up and snatch it from the air as it approached. However, much to their dismay, the parchment remained suspended and out of reach in the middle of the bog.
Sabbath glanced at Tenacius and furrowed his brow in thought.
"What else can we do to reach it?" he queried, wracking his brain.
"The words are much too small to read from here" he thought out loud, and then it suddenly came to him - he had an idea,
"That's it, the words are too small. Lets try this.."
Sabbath took out his wand and made the incantion for 'engorgio' and cast it toward the parchment. Although the parchment remained suspended in the same position over the bog, almost immediately it expanded in size, the words becoming visible. He looked at Mel and Tenacius with a smile,
"Hey, it worked!" he exclamed.
"I guess its back to the classroom for us then", he said to them both. He stowed his wand back in the pocket of his robes ready to accompany his team back to the arithmency room.