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Azura was walking a little slower than usual as she made her way down the corridor! She was still reeling from that potions class yesterday! Whose bright idea was it for them to get mildy poisoned? She was still freight slightly light headed from the whole thing.. Not to mention..
Ugh! It was bad enough that the whole class had to hear what she said.. But for them to remember it too..
She sighed as she leaned against the wall and slumped down onto floor and then she turned her head and smiled a little as she saw whom she had slumped down next to!
"Hey Torie! How are you!" She gave him a warm smile, genuinely happy to see her friend.
Torie was sitting there staring at the same page in his book for the last five minutes, trying to figure out what he had just read when someone slumped to the floor beside him and looked up curiously. "Hi!" he said surprise showing, he was grateful for something to draw his mind from trying to figure out what he'd just read.
Merlin his head was swimming. "I'm okay, how about you?" he asked with a warm smile, "Any more dolls?" he asked. Please say no!
Wait, she looked off... "Are you feeling okay?" he asked blinking at her.