New Timeline :: After the break Fluttery Pegasi It took Haddie entirely too long to remember she had gifts for everyone. But in her defense, she did have things on her mind. And it was only a couple of weeks since they returned from the break. But she remembered now. On each of her roommate's bed she left gifts, wrapped in paper that had a slightly crazed looking cartoon of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer on it. Heh. Haddie loved that paper.
On Rachel's bed was a small square box, that held a little replica of Ariel's seashell necklace in it. It was addressed to Freckle Face. Azura got a similar looking box, that had a fairy pendent necklace, and was addressed to The Fairy Princess. On Ailsa's bed was a book shaped gift, addressed to Elsa. Inside, Ailsa would, in fact, find a book. This was a blank journal, with a small written note to get her big nose out of books, and start filling her own book with her own adventures.
The remaining girls, sadly, Haddie did not know quite so well. Still she tried her best. Mossy got a new set of quills, Snowy Owl and Crow feathers, with some glitter ink, because the girl needed to lighten up a bit and be a bit more whimsical. It was addressed to The Mosster. Livvy got a sketch book and a pack of colored pencils, since she liked to draw. They were addressed to Livvy. And Sammy, Haddie didn't really know Sammy much at all, but she hadn't wanted to exclude the girl. Sammy got a collection of Chocolate frogs, Sugar quills and Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. What kid didn't like candy? They were addressed to Sammy. She also got a silent vow, that if Haddie managed to some how return next year, she was going to make sure to get to know the girl better.
Each gift was placed dead center on their beds.
There, that was done. Now all Haddie had to do was wait for the girls to come back to their room and find their gifts. She climbed onto her own bed and took out her journal, the one that will no longer open for anyone but her, and began to scheme in its pages.
Last edited by Callie; 02-17-2016 at 03:20 PM.