Text Cut: Big Meanie Poo Poo Head
Originally Posted by Damien
He grinned at the comment about the garlic. Damien didn't know a thing about vampire;, other than coffins, wooden stakes, garlic and sunlight. "I happen to love garlic," he commented before another light chuckle.
Crossing his arms over his chest, he studied Daisy. The socially acceptable thing to do would ask for more information on the stress, tension, etc... But he didn't feel like being acceptable.
Damien shrugged his shoulders, at the spiders comment. "Well, that little guys on your arm seems to be making himself quite comfortable."
Now, Daisy had never been the type of girl to freak out about spiders and bugs. She grew up with brothers. Spiders, bugs, gnomes in your bed, worms in your spaghetti– even the occasional Fire Newt in her underwear drawer – didn’t really bother. And wouldn’t have bothered her if it hadn’t been for one thing: the Hogwarts Spider Incident of 2087. Yep, Daisy had been unfortunate enough to get caught in a tunnel and then caught in spiderwebs. Worse, she’d been caught with girls who hated spiders, froze up and then started tossing their cauldron cakes all over the place.
And it had gotten worse…because spiders had started raining from the ceiling. She swore she had picked spiders out of her hair for a week. Webs, itchy bumps, upchuck, and spiders – those four things should be enough for anyone to develop a dislike for arachnids.
So, Daisy squealed, in a very un-Daisy-like fashion while flailing her arms about. “Get it off! Get it off!”