Mischievous Niffler "I can't see anything" replied Kitty to Hope's question. "But have you noticed that there is a lot of soil in this part of the tunnel?"
The Gothic girl smiled to herself when Noelle and Sabbath asked who Professor Black was, but since it was dark and she was in front of them they couldn't have seen that. It confirmed her suspicions about them not being at Hogwarts the whole time - because who wouldn't know who Professor Black was? Professor Black (a.k.a. Ursula Black) was the Divination teacher for this term. She was a Hag who had lived on the castle grounds inside s smelly old tent until that fateful day when it the first Divination lesson when she tried to eat the entire class. The teachers had arrived in time to drive her away and thankfully no one had gotten hurt, but she hadn't been caught yet. Kitty knew she would have nightmares about her until she was caught.
But then Hope told them it was just a legend. Kitty came to an abrupt stop in the tunnel - if Hope had been standing right behind her she would have bumped into her.
Kitty approached Hope and whispered in her ear so that Noelle and Sabbath couldn't hear (unless they were really trying to eavesdrop) "Excuse me? A legend? Don't you think we should tell them? All the teachers are on the look out for her, and everyone knows about her. But I won't tell them now if you don't think we should."
Then Kitty caught sight of something moving in the soil between the stones in the floor. "A worm!" she cried joyfully and bent down to pick the worm up from the ground. "Isn't he cute?" |