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PhoenixRising Tia smiled politely when the first year eaglet, Sam took the seat next to her. No doubt the young one needed assistance with the challenging subject of Arithmancy, which of course, Tia would provide as necessary. Family name numbers. She knew what those were, but she just sat there and listened to what her peers had to say about the number as she jotted a few notes down for interesting things said that she didn't know.
Flipping to Chapter Two in her textbook, the Head Girl looked over the familiar Pythagorean Number chart. Though at this point she could probably work out what numbers to assign to what letters if she had to, but when a chart was readily available, why shouldn't she take advantage of it? Besides, Sam might need it.
Carefully writing her surname in her notes, she followed the line underneath it with its appropriate numbers:
4+1+5+3+9+5+9 = 36 = 3+6 =9
Interesting. She had the same Family Name Number as the Professor. But it also kind of made sense, given their Ravenclaw nature. "You alright with these numbers, Sam?" Tia asked, turning to look at the younger Eagle.
Sam had beamed at Tia when she sat down, but hadn't had chance to say anything more because the lesson had started and she didn't know what family name numbers were. They sounded simple enough though, especially with the chart of numbers Tia had found in the textbook. Sam glanced across to get the page number, before opening her own, second-hand and rather battered, copy to the same section in case the Head Girl didn't want her reading over her shoulder.
First off, she wrote her surname on her parchment. And then Tia asked her a question as she started copying out the equivalent numbers. "I fink I'm okay wiff the reducin' bit," she said, "Tho if yeh wanna look ovver 'em feh me, that'd be cool." She finished copying out the numbers, and moved her parchment so Tia could check it as she went.
2 + 7 + 3 + 5 + 9 = 26
2 + 6 = 8
Did it look okay? Sam glanced up at Tia. ""I coul' do wiff 'elp readin' the meanin', if yeh woul'nt mind."