Originally Posted by
DuckyLinJi This was nice. No stress, just relaxing.
It should be vacation forever in his eyes. But he also knew he needed the money if he wanted to buy that little flat in london. The twenty four year old had been looking at it for the past few months and he was saving his money for the big day. Getting the appartment of course...heh.
He leaned forward to look his his shopping bags, pushed some items out of the way before he found the bag of chocolate frogs. Opening one with a small smile on his face, he grabbed hold of the frog so that it couldn't escape and checked his card. Merlin...again.... he stuffed the card in the bag before he ate the chocolate. He'd forever love chocolate~
Wanting another one, Daichi grabbed a second and after checking the card (Hermione Weasley) , he bit in this chocolate frog as well. He was chewing on the goodness when he heard a voice say his name. It had been in a whisper but since there weren't many people around, he heard it clearly.
Chocolate still in his mouth, he turned his head and his eyes looked surprised when he saw "Kuru---" his eyes started to water suddenly and he was pointing at his throat in panic. He hadn't chewed properly....
Kurumi's violet eyes widened considerably. Had it been THAT long that their happened meeting was enough to elicit tears and SHE was usually the emotional one in these situations. It took another moment or two to figure out what it was that Daichi was actually indicating and, well, she had a lot of practice with this sort of thing these days. James seemed reluctant to grow out of the 'testing everything in his mouth' phase.
Not to mention everything that the hatchlings got themselves into at the reserve.
Swiftly removing her wand from its holster - always conveniently attached to her hip now - Kurumi effortlessly cast a silent Anapneo. "
Better?" she asked with a nervous, but light, giggle.