Azura was exhausted as she trudged into her room and she headed straight to her bed. She didn't care that she was going to miss dinner or lunch.. Or whatever meal! She didn't even know what time it was! Nor did she care. She was tired and she was going to sleep.. Though not without one thing..
Wearily Az pulled out some parchment and her sapphire blue quill and wrote
Haddie a short note.
She put the note on
Haddie's bed and then put a few sugar quills on top of that!
Azura nodded her head and then wearily moved into her bed..
She didn't even undress she was so tired! Had no one really noticed that she had passed out? Was she really that invisible?
Tears steamed down the 12 year kids face as she snuggled into her bed.. She missed Jasper! And Torie! Where were they when she needed them?
She slowly fell asleep, tears still visible on her cheeks.