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Old 02-13-2016, 01:29 AM   #309 (permalink)
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Location: New Brunswick,Canada
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mugwort "Mug" Tanner
First Year
Default Post #3 (drinker)
chocolate frog hunter

Originally Posted by Optimist View Post
SPOILER!!: notes

Antidote to Common Poisons
1 Bezoar
2 measures of Standard Ingredient
1 pinch of unicorn horn
2 mistletoe berries
2 cups of water
Add 1 Bezoar to the mortar
Crush into a very fine powder using the pestle
Add 4 measures of the crushed Bezoar to your cauldron
Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your cauldron
Add 2 cups of water to your cauldton
Heat to a medium temperature for 5 seconds
Leave to brew for 5 minutes

Add 1 pinch of Unicorn Horns to your cauldron
Stir 2 times, clockwise
Add 2 Mistletoe Berries to your cauldron

Stir 2 times, anti-clockwise
Leave to sit for at least 2 minutes before using
Notes & Addendum
*antidote didnt seem to work
*is it time sensitive
*did we mess up a step
*was elixir not a common poison
Poison Notes
*I feel hot
*does anyone have ice cubes?
*no but there is a bunny staring at me
*partner trying not to puke
*the is definitely a bunny in here
*let me pet the bunny
*partner is puking

THAT SMELLED SO GROSS! Mel made a face and paled as she stood there and looked at Madge. “Ew…the smell” Mel gulped before looking down at the notes she had taken in the library….”evanesce” Mel cast on the contents in Madge’s potion. “You can have mine when I finish” she muttered…”or make more with me now?” She was trying to help.

But at least the smell was gone. “Scourgify” she cast on the speck of vomit that had gotten onto the table and then she went around again cleaning off all of her tools. Everything had to be clean. Even her hands were clean.

No she was not a germfreak…okay maybe she was but it wasn’t that big of a deal now was it? It was vomit no one wanted to drink vomit potions now did they?...well unless they were eating a skiving snackbox for reasons. Obviously.

“Okay…I can do this” she muttered as she carefully pulled two of her mistletoe berries from her jar and added them into the cauldron before capping the jar once more.
"Thanks..." Madge mumbled to Mel when her Cauldron was cleaned for her. A tear ran down her face and she pulled herself down so she was sitting on the floor hugging her knees. She was NOT happy. She was in a strange school, with a bunch of witches and wizards, which apparently she was one of them, and she's been poisoned. She wanted her mother.

AND on top of that the antidote she had given Mel hadn't worked. She seriously hoped the one Mel was brewing would work...
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