SPOILER!!: Kitty
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Maybe she was wrong in guessing that Sabbath and Noelle were the two students that had gone missing - or maybe they just didn't want to talk about it. Kitty could understand that and she didn't want to make them uncomfortable, but at the same time she was by nature very curious and wanted to know.
"Oh okay," Kitty responded with a small frown. "I'm surprised that I didn't recognize you since I spend a lot of time in the tower." Come to think of it she hadn't seem him in class either, though that might have been a little harder to spot. "I'm just curious, do you like Transfiguration? What kind of familiar did you create in the last lesson?"
Then a sound to her right distracted her. Turning she saw Noelle pulling open the mirror. "GAA!!" Kitty gasped in delight. "I didn't know it could move!" She moved over to see what was behind the mirror.
Sabbath chuckled, here was an inquisitive one! But, he did appreciate people that could put two and two together quickly. Still grinning, he replied
"Ahh, well anyone can tell you, I'm not the best at turning up to all my classes," he gave Kitty a grin and a mischievious wink.
He glanced over and wondered why Noelle was now ferretting around with the mirror on the wall.
SPOILER!!: Hope & Nells
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Hope was trying to keep up with the conversation. She listened to the interactions between Sabbie and Kitty. She knew the story behind what had happened with Sabbath and Noelle, but it wasn't something she was about to tell people. And she certainly wasn't going to make Sabbath and Noelle rehash those awful events. She just looked between Sabbath and Kitty. Hope wasn't a social butterfly so at times she was kinda awkward.
She felt her cousins arm resting on her and she loved it. She had missed her cousin so much. She hadn't wanted to leave her alone for a minute when they were back, but she knew her cousin needed her space and time. She saw Noelle looking behind the mirror, and peeked behind it as well. When it moved Hope gasped. Merlin! A secret tunnel? So cool!! She thought to herself.
"Do you guys want to check out where that goes?" She looked back at Sabbath, Noelle and Kitty, looking for an answer.
His interest in the mirror finally sparked when he saw Nells dislodge and move it away from the wall. What was she up to? He came over and curled his fingers under the frame to to help tilt it out for a better investigation. He peered behind it - the girls had been right! There was definitely something peculiar about this mirror.
"Pfft" Sabbath replied to Hope with a puff, a particularly Spanish mannerism when something was obvious.
"Of course, I want know where it goes." He didn't want to let on, that he thought tunnel was kind of dark and creepy. He wondered whether Nells would show equal bravado. He knew better than anyone why enclosed spaces were definitely not her thing. He stepped close to her so they were shoulder to shoulder as she peered in,
"Nells?" he enquired quietly. He didn't need to ask the full question. He could almost read her thoughts, they were his too.