Lil' gooz | Sarangel | Junior Dweeb Norah grinned gratefully at the crackling fire as she entered the classroom, pulling off her fuzzy hat when it was clear that it really wouldn't be necessary during this particular lesson. That was a shame, really, 'cause fuzzy hats were the best kinds of hats, but it was probably better than being shivery and cold AND trying to do maths all at the same time. This hadn't exactly been her greatest OWL, but that was probably her own fault for being rubbish at the studying thing. It hadn't been too dreadful though, so here she was like every lesson, ready to be embarrassed sniffles and all. "Hi Professor Tanner," she said, taking a seat right at the front of the classroom and pulling parchment and a quill from her bag. This was a sparkly ink kind of day. It just was. Arithmancy was just one of those subjects that NEEDED it, y'know? It was a science, really.
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