“De nada" Sabbath replied to Kitty's thanks, in Spanish and with a bemused smile. He would never be one to complain about receiving kisses from girls, but a kiss on the forehead was unexpected... he shrugged it off figuring that it must be the custom of the new girl's home country. From the look of her smooth porcelain skin, he figured it must be somewhere where they didn't get much sun. “Thanks Hope, I missed you, too” he said, giving her shoulder a friendly squeeze. “I’m doing a lot better, since my grandmother’s cooking has fattened me up” he chuckled and made an exaggerated rub of his non-existent tummy paunch. “But no, really, I’m doing fine, I’ve even restarted flamenco training”. He gave her a warm smile, because he was touched by her concern. Amused by her blush, he also promised to pass on her message to José.
His attention started to drift as the girls started chittering on about mirrors and tapestries and the like. Home decor and even castle decor was not really his bag and his thoughts had wandered off to dinner, mmmmm. “Huh” Sabbath’s attention snapped back to the present. He'd realised Kitty was asking him a question as he caught the end of her words … ‘haven’t seen you guys around, and that’s strange because you are my housemate’. She was looking at him for a reply.
Sabbath, glanced at Noelle, he didn’t know how she felt, but he wasn’t a big sharer of personal info, especially to someone he'd only just met, no matter how lovely she seemed. He flashed his dimpled smile, and replied, “Well, I don’t know, maybe you just haven’t noticed me around the tower, I have one of those everyday kind of faces”. He'd let Noelle tell the real story, if she so wished.
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