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Because it was the holidays, that meant he had a couple of free days off work and Daichi had decided to spend one of those days in Diagon Alley. He had bought new office supplies and more, even a bag of chocolate frogs which was currently in one of the bags in front of him.
The ex slytherin himself took a seat on a park bench but jumped up immediately with a yelp. He brushed the snow off of his pants before he grabbed his wand and performed the heating charm on the bench. The snow melted until the bench was dry and he smiled to himself as he took a seat. Now he just had to sit back, relax and tried not to think of the amount of paperwork he was sure would be on his desk when he got back from his vacation.
It was almost time to go back to work officially now that the big holidays were over and while she still had company at her home she was fully taking advantage of said company and leaving them with Lewis to keep an eye on the kids while she ran a few errands in Diagon Alley. Onii-chan seemed a little frazzled since they had returned from visiting Lewis' family in America, and Kurumi couldn't help but wonder if something had happened while they were away. Things seemed to be in fine shape at the house, so whatever it was that had her oldest brother acting strangely must be something personal.
Coming out of Madame Primpernelles Beautifying Potions with a new bottle of potions to help with her weather hands and a few scorch marks on her cheeks,
Kurumi made her way towards the bench to have the onigiri that James had affectionately attempted to make for her - with a little help from Onii-chan that is.
What she had not been expecting to find as she approached the bench was a familiar face. While not a complete stranger, as they had various brief run-ins when she, on the RARE occasion, went to the Ministry on official business, it had been a while since they had seen each other in such a casual setting. Merlin did it bring back memories!
Daichi," she whispered as she approached from the side.